Cosmetic Eye & Facial Treatments: Look Better. Feel Better.
We all want to look younger. Natural signs of aging can make you appear tired or sad, or just look older than you feel. Eyelids can get puffy and heavy, or bulge and droop down because of excessive skin, muscle and fatty tissue.
Self-confidence matters at every stage of life. Cosmetic eye procedures – some surgical, some not – can improve how we see ourselves. Sometimes, they can actually improve how we see.
Cosmetic eye surgery is in a state of constant development as technology progresses. New surgical techniques are being modified to be less invasive, with quicker recovery times. As our population ages, more people are using these relatively simple surgeries to refresh their appearance.
Ready to feel better about how you look? Schedule a consultation today.
The Sabates cosmetic team finds individualized solutions to get you back to a more youthful appearance. Our oculofacial plastic surgeons are specially trained ophthalmologists who perform cosmetic as well as plastic and reconstructive eye surgery. Some of our most popular options include fillers, implants, BOTOX, eyelid lifts and chemical peels, and many can be performed in a single office visit.
Popular Cosmetic Procedures
BOTOX®, XEOMIN® and Dysport® is injected into muscles between the eyebrows or in the crow’s-feet for temporary improvement of frown line and periocular creases.

Restylane® and Juvederm® is an injection that is used to fill in the furrows between the eyebrows or the troughs under the eyes; often works in conjunction with BOTOX injections to fill in residual creases.

Fractional therapy CO2 laser for skin resurfacing treats your face with a matrix of laser pulses that vary in intensity, depending on your skin type and desired treatment results. The result is a treatment that is fast, more comfortable and requires less downtime than traditional skin resurfacing.
This treatment is effective in enhancing skin tone and texture, eliminating the effects of the sun and aging on the skin, smoothing out lines, wrinkles and scars.
Treatments vary based on the extent of skin resurfacing you’re looking for. Schedule a free consultation with our Oculofacial Specialist to find out more.
Chemical Peels revitalize the skin by creating a minor, controlled reaction on damaged areas. Your skin reacts by producing more collagen as it regenerates, with firmer skin emerging in just a few days. Patients see results after one or two peels, but three are recommended.
Blepharoplasty (single or double eyelid surgery) is the artful removal of excess skin and underlying bulging tissues, followed by elevating and anchoring deeper muscle layers. In many people, excess upper eyelid tissues hood the eyelashes and even cause significant visual obstruction. Lower blepharoplasty reduces puffiness, bags and bulges under the eyes and can be extended to include cheek lifting.
Browplasty, a brow or forehead lift, restores the normal brow position and contour and reduces creases in the forehead. Brow lifting can be accomplished through a variety of approaches, with small-incision, endoscopic and transblepharoplasty approaches now becoming popular and less invasive alternatives.
Restores the fullness that once gave you those higher cheekbones. After cheek implants are placed, your eyelids are naturally lifted by the support from below. Surgeons make an incision on the inside of the eyelid, allowing them access to the orbital rim, where an implant, made of silicon or polyethylene, will rest.
Eye Symptoms
Blepharitis is a very common problem. It is characterized by a chronic inflammation of the eyelids that irritates the eyes. Typically, it is not a vision-threatening problem, but can be very bothersome. Symptoms can include redness, burning, feeling of dryness, tearing, sandy-gritty sensations, feelings that there is something in the eye, and many other symptoms caused by the irritation to the surface of the eye. The problem is chronic and cannot be cured but can be controlled through diligent maintenance treatment by the patient.
There are different variations of blepharitis. Your treatment will be tailored by your doctor according to your needs. Mostly blepharitis is due to inflammation and clogging of the meibomian glands, which are oil glands found on the upper and lower eyelids. The oil from these glands forms an integral part of the tear film and is necessary for the lubrication of the eyes. When these glands are inflamed, the oil in the tear film decreases and the eyes can become dry.
The treatment and control of blepharitis has a stepwise approach to keeping the eyelids clean. Cleaning the dirt and debris from the lids and lashes and reducing the bacteria from this area will improve symptoms. The goal is to clean the eyelids without being too aggressive. Being too aggressive can cause more eyelid irritation. The basic steps are outlined below. You can tailor these basic steps according to how much your symptoms improve or worsen. Blepharitis typically has a life-long, fluctuating, up and down course.
Depending on the severity of your symptoms at the time, you may need either aggressive treatment or may be able to relax on your routine.
Your symptoms likely will not improve immediately. You should stay diligent, however, because the improvement will only take place over a period of weeks and continue over weeks or months. If you stop the treatment, your symptoms can return, as this is a chronic condition that requires long-term management.
Warm Compresses
The goal of the warm compresses is to liquify and loosen the oil in the Meibomian glands, allowing it to reach the tear film. There are several ways of applying heat to your eyelids, the goal is to apply heat for 3-5 minutes at least once per day. One option is to wet a clean washcloth with hot water and wring it out until somewhat dry. After removal of eye make-up, place the washcloth over your closed eyes, and wet the washcloth again as often as needed so it stays hot.
Another option is using a store-bought heat mask which can be warmed in the microwave, please be careful to test the temperature in order to avoid getting burned. Some heat masks are battery run or can be plugged in.
Eyelid Scrubs, Cleansers and Spray
In some cases, baby shampoo can be used to clean the eyelids after applying the warm compresses. Dilute the shampoo with some water. Gently clean the eyelids using one of the following: fingertips, a washcloth, cotton pads or cotton balls. (Patients should find the choice is best for their eyes.) Keep the eyelids closed and wash along the edges of the eyelids. Rinse the soap when finished. Name brand Johnsons’ Baby Shampoo is recommended because it is very gentle and least likely to cause irritation. Cleaning with baby shampoo can be performed once or twice a day, depending on the severity of your symptoms.
There are many different commercially available lid scrubs and cleansers that can be used instead of baby shampoo. Follow the instructions on the box for each product; the best moment to perform eyelid cleansing is after the warm compresses. It is important to avoid vigorous scrubbing as this can cause increased inflammation.
Eyelid sprays are frequently used instead of scrubs. The primary component is hypochlorous acid, which is an over the counter medication that can help decrease inflammation of the meibomian glands. Avenova and Hypochlor are some name brand examples. After removal of eye make-up and warm compresses, spray the solution onto closed eyelids. Then spread it onto your eyelashes lightly using a clean fingertip and let it dry. After it is dry, you can apply your usual moisturizing products. We recommend using the spray twice per day (morning and night).
Your ophthalmologist may have you use antibiotics in the treatment of blepharitis. These can be prescribed orally, or as a topical ointment or drop. If you are prescribed an ointment, please put a small amount of ointment on a clean fingertip, and gently apply to the base of your eyelashes. Do this as many times a day as recommended by your doctor. If prescribed an oral antibiotic, please take with foods.
Eye Drops
Artificial tears are always helpful in the treatment of blepharitis, as this entity generally causes dry eyes. These drops are sold over the counter. There are many different brands, some with or without preservatives. Please discuss with your doctor to determine which artificial tears are best for you.
Your doctor may also prescribe topical medications, or a short course of steroids designed to decrease inflammation and improve blepharitis and dry eye symptoms.
Office-Based Procedures
There are several procedures that can be performed in clinic that may be helpful in the treatment of blepharitis. They are mostly designed to express the oil out of the meibomian glands. This can be done manually or using a device called LipiFlow, which is designed to safely heat the palpebral surfaces of the upper and lower eyelids while simultaneously applying graded pulsatile pressure to the outer eyelid surfaces, analogous to a “deep cleaning” performed at the dentist. You would need to be referred to a specialized dry eye clinic to determine if these procedures are an option for you.